Bipolar disorder (manic depression), depression, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, Alzheimer and other demantias, alcoholism and other substance addictions, internet and gambling addiction, sleep disorders, eating disorders like anorexia and blumia, sexual dysfunctions and personality disorders especially borderline cases are treated in our hospital.
There are four basic principles in the treatment of schizophrenia. Firstly, through medication, signs and the possibility of periods when the disorder gets heavier are tried to be decreased. It is really important that the patient adapts to medical treatment and follow his signs and inform his psychiatrists immediately and thus medication must be arranged accordingly. If the patient drinks alcohol, beneficial effects of his medicines may be ruined. If the patient uses substances like “weed” (marijuana, hashish) or cocaine, his signs will get harder and heavy periods will be seen frequently. Second basic principle in treatment is to decrease the patient’s compulsions. Within this frame, to decrease the tension arising from family relations is of great importance. To this end, patient’s family must have realistic expectations and a better communication with the patient as well as displaying a problem-solving attitude. It is really advantageous if the patient has meaningful activities such as going to school or work even though part-time. Both too much stimulant and too less are not desired and a kind of balance must be maintained preventing overstrain at home, work, school or during treatment course. The third basic principle is to provide patient certain coping skills. Their skills to solve their interpersonal conflicts and improve their relations with other people, cope with negative experiences and get over their psychological signs (delusions, hallucinations, anxiety, depression and so on) in more active ways. Fourth basic principle is to strengthen social foundations of the patient. Accordingly, patient’s family and friends must have more knowledge and realistic expectations about schizophrenia, the patients must comply with the treatment course and have a goal in his life. Even if the patient makes small steps in coping with his own problems and living a self-sufficient life, he must be encouraged. And it is also important that he knows that people around him love him and hope the best for him. Can people diagnosed as schizophrenic heal? Can they be healthy again? To what extent can they heal or become healthy again? There is no certain response to these questions which we have been discussing for years, yet an important part of these people become healthy again to a significant extent and some part of them heal to a nearly full extent. Within this context, if this disorder changes for the better, it means that the patient gets rid of his delusions, hallucinations, a good amount of decrease in negative signs and sustains certain level of work and school life. And it is also important to take necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of the disorder.
If we define the “change for the better” as a lack of definite sign for the last two years, a certain level of work or school life in at least the half of last two years, an independent life and money management, shopping, cooking and care for himself as well as sustaining a regular relationship with the partner or a friend, we can see that 40-70% of patients change for the better to an important amount thanks to the treatment. Healing after schizophrenia must be regarded as a process rather than a result since the prevention of recurrences is an important aim. In another word, longer periods without signs, sustaining a certain work or school life, personal care and a self-sufficient life and having a continuous relationship are especially desirable situations, which appear as a result of process and end up as a life-style.
Mania and Bipolar Disorder:
The most important aspect of bipolar disorder is the extensive mood swings. The mania period is on one pole of these swings and depression on the other. This disorder is named as mood disorder since it firstly influences of a person’s mood (emotions). And also named as bipolar since a person’s emotions are swung between fervour (mania) and collapse (depression).
In the state of mania where fervour and outburst is seen, signs like a bloated mood (an excessive joy, enthusiasm) or easy anger (an excessive sensitivity and anger), decrease in the sleep need, grandiose thoughts in addition to exaggeration of talents and self-importance, more talkativeness, speedy thought flow, increase in effectiveness and internal strength, increase in attentiveness and impulsive behaviour without foreseeing negative results are encountered. These periods replace with period where one feels depressed, enjoys nothing, has interest in his habitual activities, less desire for eating, easy tiredness, sleep problems, feels bad and guilty from time to time, has difficulty in concentration on one topic, focusing or deciding and thinks that “I wish I were dead and rescued”. These periods of mania and depression may last for days and weeks.
The most important stage of bipolar disorder treatment is the medical treatment. Those using their medicines regularly are known to sustain their well-being longer. However, medicines must be followed closely.
You can search for the following signs on your own just to test if you are in depression or not:
- Feeling really unhappy, desperate, pathetic, depressed and guilty
- Feeling tired and exhausted for most of the time, feeling as if you have no strength
- Finding difficult to do the smallest things
- Finding no pleasure in what you used to do previously
- Being too stressful and angry from time to time
- Not wanting to see people or being afraid of loneliness. Finding difficult to participate in social activities
- Unable to think precisely, concentrate on and remember things
- Thinking that you are unsuccessful in everything you do, criticizing and blaming yourself mostly
- Thinking that you are burden for other people
- Regarding life as “worthless”
- Seeing no future, having no hope, thinking everything you have made was a mistake and this will go on
- Being restless more than ever or feeling anger
- Running out of your self-confidence
- Thinking of what is wrong, what will be wrong, what is wrong about you non-stop
- Thinking that the life is full of injustices and there is an “injustice” just about everywhere
- Having difficulty in falling asleep or waking very early in the morning and being unable to fall asleep again; dreaming for a whole night or disturbing dreams from time to time
- No more pleasure in eating and having sex as it used to be, loss in appetite or excessive amount of eating just to decrease your tension
- Drinking excessive amount of alcohol all of a sudden
- Complaining about physical pains of which the reasons cannot be found
- Thinking that life flows in a meaningless way, having a general reluctance, having no zest for life, no connection with life, not many things tying you to life…
Only some of the signs above are familiar to you, you have a possibility to be in depression. You should consult a psychiatrist without losing time…
Panic Attack and Panic Disorder:
You must have at least four signs among following 13 to make a panic attack diagnosis:
- Palpitation, feeling heart-beats or increase in heart rate
- Sweating
- Trembling or convulsion
- Breathing difficulty or drowning sensation
- Outbreathing
- Chest pain or tightness
- Nausea or stomachache
- Dizziness, feeling like falling down or fainting
- Unreality feelings or sense of dissociation from self
- Getting numb or prickling
- Getting cold, tremor or hot flushes
- Fear of losing control or getting mad
- Fear of death
Personal experiences during a panic attack vary to a great extent. Some certain physical sensations (such as feeling heart beats) are directly connected to physiological changes. Others (like fearof death) arise after mental and emotional reactions shown for physical sensations mentioned before. One of the best ways of coping with panic attacks is to have knowledge hereabout since the doubt, uncertainty and fear of obscurity are the most powerful weapons of this disorder.
“Does your panic problem require assessing by a psyhciatrist?” This is the first thing you must know. If there is a diagnosis for psychological or psyhical disorder, you must have maximum knowledge of it. What is the reason? What are the other problems accompanying these? What kind of support must you have? How can you help yourself? To have a comprehensive knowledge about your own situation will be the most important foundation of your success in coping with this disorder.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
The principal characteristic of generalized anxiety disorder is to feel over-anxious about lots of events and activities for at least six months. Sufferers find it difficult to control their anxieties. At least three additional signs from a list including restlessness, easy tiredness, difficulty in concenration, muscle strain and sleep disorders accompany anxiety and delusions. Those having generalized anxiety disorder do not describe their sadness as excessive all the time, however they express that they feel stressful as they are always sad, find it difficult to control their sadness or have dysfunctionality related to this situation in social, professional or other important fields of their lives.
The duration and frequency of anxiety depends on the realization possibility of the event or its possible effects. The individual cannot prevent distraction by unhappy or uneasy thoughts and experiences a difficulty in terminating their sadness. Adults with generalized anxiety disorder feel sad and anxious about daily, ordinary life conditions such as new responsibilities at work, financial problems, healthcare of family members, probable accidents incurred by their children or other minor issues (daily housework, repair of the car or being late for an appointment). During the course of this disorder, focus of sadness may shift to another.
Due to the accompanying muscle strain, there may be some trembling, twitching, feeling clumsy, pain in the muscles. Most of those with generalized anxiety disorder have physical signs (cold, moist hands; cotton mouth, sweating, nausea or diarrhea, a frequent need to urinate, swallowing difficulty or a “lump in the throat”) and overdone irritation responses. Depression signs are also seen frequently.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is taking excessive amount of time to do things, worrying, ruining ordinary daily functionalities and relations with other people. Obsessions are thoughts, impulses, fantasies or images that one cannot help but think and cause anxiety. Compulsions are mental actions or repeating behaviors to remove the obsession or eliminate the anxiety arising from these schemes. These schemes generally are aimed to protect “magically” from an undesirable event or avoid this event. Even though OCD has various appearances, those with such a disorder almost have same thoughts and behaviors.
Those washing their environments and themselves are the ones who cannot help but think dirt, filth, microbes or else foreign substances will stick to them. These people are continuously afraid of suffering these substances or harming other people. The main types of OCD are as follows:
Controllers are those inclined to hold themselves responsible of possible dangerous situations incurred by others in an excessive and meaningless way since they do not “do things properly”, they all the time control whether they lock the doors, windows, home appliances working with electric or gas and suppose something bad will happen if they do not.
Organizers feel compelled to put certain object in “their proper places” and have an organized environment. They feel disturbed even if the place of objects is changed, someone touches them or puts them in another place.
Obsessive thinkers are those who cannot evade their undesirable thoughts, fantasies and images they regard as harmful for others. These people can have repeating thoughts instead of displaying repeating ritual behaviors. They can employ methods like counting, praying or repeating certain words to fight with anxious thoughts in their minds.
Hoarders collect some unimportant objects and have difficulty in throwing these objects away.
Many people may have similar obsessions to the ones mentioned above to a degree. How many people do not control whether they lock the door or not? Someone can collect read newspapers and do not throw them, but another person may find it silly. The most important criterion whether a situation is regarded something disturbing or not depends on to what extent it ruins one’s thoughts, behaviors and functionality.
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder):
The primary fear of a person with social phobia is to be humiliated, distressed or behave in a way that they feel ashamed in front of other people. These people are afraid of interacting with others or doing things in front of others and try to avoid these situations. Frequent social phobias can be listed as the fear of talking, eating or writing in front of others, using common toilets and participating in negotiations and each kind of meetings. These people are also afraid that other people will realise their anxiety in these situations and laugh at them.
An individual with social anxiety disorder avoids fearful situations. Less frequently, they force themselves to endure a social situation but experiences a high amount of anxiety during this activity. A clear anticipatory anxiety may occur very earlier about upcoming situations involving social participation (daily anxiety spells before joining a social event). Anticipatory anxiety causes a perception of fear and anxiety signs leading to an imaginary or real decrease in competence. This may result in a vicious circle paving the way for more problems and increase in anticipatory anxiety.
Sleep Disorders:
Insomnia is defined as the problem of falling asleep or remaining asleep or else lack of refreshing sleep for at least one month. These people generally complain about the difficulty in falling asleep and interruption in their sleep. The first complaint they put forward may change in time. For example, they may complain about the difficulty of falling asleep one time and remaining asleep for another. More rarely, they complain about the lack of refreshing sleep. However, if the individual has an apparent distress or dysfunctionality due to these complaints, insomnia is diagnosed.
In addition to overstimulation, there is also a negative conditioning against sleeping within the scope of insomnia. Excessive distress about being unable to sleep leads to a vicious circle. The more a person tries to fall asleep, the more they become disappointed and in so doing get stressed ahich makes it harder to fall asleep. They are conditioned in a negative way against the bed where they experiences sleepless nights. When one does not try to fall asleep (while watching TV, driving car), they can easily fall asleep. Thus, these people can improve some sleeping habits disturbing their regular sleep pattern. If this situation becomes continuous, their well-being in day may be ruined, either. They may have emotional upside-downs, their will to work may decrease, their inner strength may lower, they may find it hard to focus on and feel tired and exhausted.
Marriage and Relationship Problems:
For a long and successful marriage, some conflicts, disagreements and divisions are necessary. At first glance, you may think that the idea about healthy conflicts is not true. However, marriages become more powerful or end depending on how you deal disagrements or divisions. What matters is the way you discuss things together. Do you both increase the tension while discuss or try to find a solution and feel relaxed? So, we need to understand that healthy conflicts may always exist. In other words, they must know how to approach his/her partner during discussions or while handling disagreements. The important thing here is to attempt to brake the negative cycle during the interaction and make the communication better.
To prevent your outburst from ruining the communication between you, you must first become relaxed and calm. You must speak and listen to have a consequence after your discussion and make a more fertile one later. Besides, you should accept the validity of one another’s emotions and thoughts when problems arise.
Sexual Dysfunctionalities:
At what stage of your life are you now? You may be married, single, separated, divorced or widow. You may or may not have children. You may have had or may have had intercourse before. You may have so many difficulties right now in your life or everything may be fine. You may have great satisfaction. We all have emotional needs like sincerity, closeness, love and compassion as well as sexual satisfaction in whatever period of our lives. Most of our emotional needs are more important than our sexual satisfaction. However, our sexual problems may challenge our most strong emotional relationships, either. For example; having orgasm is a satisfactory aspect of sexuality. However, orgasm is not a separate part of sexuality. Orgasm response depends on so many factors. It depends on being naturally stimulated; however, to experience sexuality thoroughly you should be at peace with yourself, with your thoughts about sexuality and opposite sex. Thus, to improve sexually is closely connected to being personally happy in life. Everyone deserves a satisfactory sexual life and the biggest obstacle to this is inadequate knowledge about that. Human beings were the most complicated species of all. So, apart from all other living creatures, sexuality is structured and learned leading to a pattern in human beings. Sexuality in humans is less instinctual. Just like any other skill, practice, experience and knowledge are needed to gain this skill.
Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia):
Eating disorders are determined with heavy disruptions in eating behavior. There are two main eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa and blumia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is defined as the resistance against sustaining the lowest bodyweight, while blumia nervosa is determined on repeat periods where inappropriate concessive behaviors such a self-regurgitation, using lapactic, diuretic or other drugs, eating nothing or doing excessive exercise after repeating periods of binge eating. Primary characteristics of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is the distorted perception about body shape and weight.
So many people drink alcohol yet most of them do not have any kind of problems. However, some drinkers have great problems with alcohol and want to stop. Thus, some of them ask for professional help and some of them try to quit drinking on their own.
Problems with alcohol do not occur in one night. They increase over the period of months or years. Generally, relatives of the person drinking have concerns before the relevant individual.
That some people are stigmatized as alcoholic gives an impression as if people are divided into two. If someone is alcoholic, it is considered as if that they have no other option but to quit drinking completely; if not, they may keep drinking in whatever ways they choose. However, such a sharp line cannot be drawn for most of the time and even if the person is not alcoholic, the problems of drinking too much alcohol are well-known.
The most important question here is the amount of drinking taking place. It is known that excessive amounts of alcohol cause certain problems with health and society. However, the primary concept is excessive drinking similar to excessive eating even though such problems may not have arisen.
Boylam Psychiatry Institute Clinics Association:
Boylam Psychiatry Institute Clinics Association is an association of clinics established in the 4th floor of KARUM Shopping and Business Center, at an easy-accessible location, at the heart of Ankara. It is a private health organization special for psychological disorders, which can have outpatient diagnosis and treatment. We have professional psychiatrists (on the level of assistant professors) for adults, children and young people, expert for child development and training, family therapist, relationship and marriage therapist, sexual dysfunctionality therapist, sleep disorders consultant, addiction (alcohol and other substances) therapist, eating disorders and obesity therapist, nutrition and dietary professionals within our body. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), depression, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, Alzheimer and all other dementias, internet and gambling addiction, sleep disorders, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, sexual dysfunctionalities and personality disorders especially borderline personality disorders are diagnosed and treated with outpatient methods and in addition to alcoholism and substance addictions, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), melancholic depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are monitored for longer durations in the hospital and treated.
In addition to psychological adult disorders mentioned above, problems like attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, causes of unsuccessful school life, specific learning difficulty, oppositional defiant disorder (obstinating), social phobia (excessive shyness), childhood depression, sleep disorders and bedwetting are diagnosed and treated in our center. Moreover, sexual dysfunctions such as sexual reluctance, vaginismus, anorgasmia, early ejaculation, impotency are also diagnosed and treated in our center as well as family, relation and marriage therapy services. Besides, eating disorders psychotherapy is implemented in collaboration with nutrition and dietary professionals for obesity problems. Nowadays, it is known that without a therapy process, losing weight is not possible regardless of the dietary program. Sleep disorders such as insomnia, excessive sleeping, behavioral disorders in sleep are diagnosed and treated after an evaluation in equipped sleep laboratories.
The primary characteristic of our center is its psychotherapy-focused approach. All of our psychiatrists and clinical psychologists have psychotherapy certificates with international validity. Our institute has published so many books of psychiatry, psychology, biblio-therapy and self-help. These books, whose samples exist in “Client Library” of our center, are used during therapy process.
Before and during the treatment, many tests such as MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), Beier Sentence Completion Test, Thematic Perception Test, Mini Mental Test for Educated and Uneducated People, Bender-Gestalt Visual-Kinetic Perception Test, Benton Visual Memory Test, Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1 Disorders and many other clinical scales are employed and thus patients are diagnosed correctly.
Our center works in communication with PRIVATE BOYLAM PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, a private hospital (with 51 beds) specialized in diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and substance addictions besides psychological disorders. Being diagnosed in our center, those needing in-patient treatment are directed to PRIVATE BOYLAM PSYCHIATRY HOSPITAL and monitored and treated in our center afterwards if they want.
PRIVATE BOYLAM PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL is the biggest private psychiatric hospital of Turkey with 90 square-meters close and 500 square-meters open areas per patient, which is over world standards. With its 49 sickbeds, 2 intensive care beds, 2 supervision beds and a sleep laboratory, it gives 7/24 service. In emergency cases, patients are sent to this hospital via hospital’s ambulance.
Addresses and Telephone Numbers relevant to Boylam Psychiatry Institute Clinics Association
About Us:
Private Boylam Psychiatric Hospital
Private Boylam Psychiatric Hospital is a hospital (with 125 beds) specialized in diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and substance addictions as well as psychological disorders. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), depression, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, Alzheimer and all other dementias, alcoholism and other substance addictions, internet and gambling addiction, sleep disorders, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, sexual dysfunctionalities and personality disorders especially borderline personality disorders are treated in our hospital.
The main characteristic of our hospital is its psychotherapy-based approach. Each patient ready for psychotherapy gets therapy from psychiatrists or psychologists who are therapists with certificate everyday he spends here. In addition to individual and group therapies, psycho-pharmacotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, detoxification therapy, behavior activation therapy and other behavioral therapy methods besides social skills training are provided for relevant patients. There are so many psychiatric and biblio-therapatic books published by the hospital’s own publishing house. These books are mostly used during therapy process.
Before the treatment, many tests such as MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), Beier Sentence Completion Test, Thematic Perception Test, Mini Mental Test for Educated and Uneducated People, Bender-Gestalt Visual-Kinetic Perception Test, Benton Visual Memory Test, Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1 Disorders and many other clinical scales are employed and thus patients are diagnosed correctly.
Diagnosis and treatment services are calculated and paid over “daily package charge” in our hospital. Psychiatric evaluaton, phsyical and neurological examination, medical board general evaluation under Assistant Professor supervision, individual therapy, biblio-therapy, group therapy, hobby and art therapy, social skills trainings, psycho-education and family counselling, psychological tests and scales, medicines, laboratory examinations, EKG, nursing care, dietary counselling, full-board meal, single room accomodation and social activites in hospital are included in this package. For foreign patients, hospital attendants, EKT with anaesthesia, special laboratory examinations like hormones etc., drugs and stimulant examinations, X-ray, closed or open MR, EEG, ultrasonography examinations, sleep laboratory examinations, consultation examinations and private transportation and ambulance services are not included daily package charge.
Our hospital was built horizontally with sickbeds on maximum two floors and all rehabilitation units on one floor according to international standards in psychiatry. With its 90 square-meters closed and 500 square-meters open area, our hospital is the biggest private psychiatric hospital of Turkey. And also with its 125 sickbeds, 2 intensive care beds, 2 supervision beds and a sleep laboratory, it provides 7/24 service. We have training, conference and cinema halls, reading room and library, internet room, sports room, playing room and handicraft, painting and hobby ateliers in our hospital. In addition to its hall with fireplace, cafetaria, winter garden, waterfall street, open and closed restaurants, aquarium, cafeteria mansion in fresh air atmosphere, hairdresser for men and women and praying room, there are walking and running tracks and a wooded garden aroun hospital. All rooms and settings are air-conditioned. Shatterproof glasses with low sound penetration are used in all rooms. All hospitals are monitored with surveillance cameras all day.
Besides 7/24 emergency psychiatry service in our hospital, ambulance service with hospital’s own ambulance, a doctor and healthcare official is also given and patients are brought with ambulance to the hospital in emergency cases.
Our hospital is located at its own premise on Ankara-İstanbul Anatolian Highway (TEM), lasting half an hour from Bilkent and 45 minutes from Kavaklıdere (Ankara). Also, it lasts half an hour to Esenboğa Airport (Ankara) via ringroad and three hours to Ataşehir (İstanbul) via TEM Highway. Patients outside Ankara or abroad are welcomed in airport, if desired. Located at a peaceful environment away from city’s chaos yet on the skirts of it, our hospital gives diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation services about mental health.
As a horizontally located psychiatric hospital, our sickbeds are on maximum two floors and rehabilitation units on one floor in pursuant to international private standards…
With its 90 square-meters closed and 500 square-meters open area per patient, the biggest private psychiatric hospital of Turkey… With its 125 sickbeds, 2 intensive care beds, 2 supervision beds and a sleep laboratory, it provides 7/24 service.
Diagnosis and Treatment Applications:
Before and during the treatment, many tests such as MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), Beier Sentence Completion Test, Thematic Perception Test, Mini Mental Test for Educated and Uneducated People, Bender-Gestalt Visual-Kinetic Perception Test, Benton Visual Memory Test, Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1 Disorders and many other clinical scales are employed and thus patients are diagnosed correctly.
The main characteristic of our hospital is its psychotherapy-based approach. Each patient ready for psychotherapy gets treatment from psychiatrists or psychologists, who are qualified therapists, everyday they spend here. In addition to individual and group therapies, psycho-pharmacotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, detoxification therapy, behavior activation therapy and other behavioral therapy methods besides social skills training are provided for relevant patients. There are many psychiatric and biblio-therapatic books published by the hospital’s own publishing house. These books are mostly used during therapy process.
Diagnosis Laboratories
Biochemistry Laboratory
Sleep Laboratory
Psychometry Laboratory
- MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)
- Thematic Perception Test
- Mini Mental Test
- Bender-Gestalt Test (Bender-Gestalt Visual-Kinetic Perception Test)
- Benton Visual Memory Test
- WAIS-R (Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults)
- SCID-I (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis 1
And many other test and clinical scales…
Treatment Applications:
- Individual Therapy (Cognitive Behavioral Psychtherapy)
- Group Therapy
- Medical Treatment (Psycho-pharmacotherapy)
- Electroconvulsife Therapy
- Emergent Treatment and Monitoring in Special Care Room
- Social Skills Trainings
- Intensive Care
Clinical Application Fields
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)
- Depression
- Panic Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Social Phobia
- Specific Phobia
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Dissociative Disorders
- Alzheimer and All Other Dementias
- Alcoholism
- Substance Addictions
- İnternet and Gambling Addiction
- Sleep Disorders
- Sexual Dysfunctionalities
- Borderline Personality Disorders
- Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Blumia)
Most Frequently Asked 50 Questions and Their Answers:
- What should I bring with me coming to hospital?
- You should bring your daily clothes, pyjamas, underclothes, socks, slippers, track suit and sports shoes. You also should bring bath sponge, soap, shampoo, toothbrush and paste. Male patients who want to shave themselves can only use electric shavers, so they can bring their shavers, which will be kept by the nurse of the relevant floor. Cigarettes are not for sale in the cafetaria of hospital, so the patients should bring it with them. (Smoking is only allowed in smoking room of the hospital). You should not bring valuable pieces or high amounts of cash. However, if necessary, you may use the safe box in the business office.
- What is the average stay?
- It mostly depends on the patient, but generally it’s 3-6 weeks.
- What kind of treatments do you have?
- Medical treatment, individual therapy, group therapy, biblio-therapy, behavior therapies, psycho-education and family counselling, hobby and art therapy, social skills training and electro-convulsive treatment are carried out in our hospital.
- Will I have therapy?
- All psychiatrists and psychologists are certificate psychotherapists trained in therapeutic education. Appropriate psychotherapeutic approach is selected and employed for each patient.
- Under which circumstances do you give electro-convulsive treatment (ECT)?
- Mostly, for severe depression (melancholia). Some patients diagnosed with mania and schzophrenia can be treated with ECT.
- If ECT is decided, in what frequency and how many times will it be given?
- 6-12 times in total, two or three times a week is an option. Generally, itis applied seven times total, three in a week.
- Do I have the option for not taking the medicines?
We give medicines so selectively and use medical treatment as little as possible. This is the necessary code of using medicines scientifically. Some patients are treated only with psychotherapeutic methods. However, if the patient’s need for medicines is decided, we give adequate information about that, too. If your doctor decides that you must be treated, you should know that using medicines is for your benefit. If you do not take your medicines when you should, your treatment will bear no positive results. Moreover, in some emergency cases, medical treatment can begin immediately.
- Can I participate in group therapies?
- Not every patient is desired to participate in group therapies. However, if you are asked to join group therapy, this means it is necessary for your special condition. In this case, it would be very much in your interest to participate in group therapies. Moreover, group therapies will be conducted synchronically with individual therapies. We cannot sustain your therapy if you do not participate in your group therapy.
- What would be the benefit of psychological tests you make?
- There are so many psychological tests in our hospital, which are personality tests, projective tests, neur-psychological tests, intelligence tests and clinical scales. Your doctor and psychologist will decide which tests and scales will be for you. These tests and scales will help us know and understand you better, reinforce our clinical diagnosis and shed light on therapy process.
- Do you treat non-psychiatric disorders?
- We make required examinations for non-psychiatric complaints, signs and findings and ask for consultation when necessary. In emergency cases, we send the patient to the relevant hospital by ambulance.
- Can I bring other medicines I use with me?
- You must inform your doctor about your all medicines whether they be about psychiatry or another medical branch. All medicines you use during your stay will be given by nurses. It is not correct nor allowed that you use any kind of medicine without informing your doctor and nurse. Please consider that there may be some kind of interaction between medicines.
- Will I recover completely? Can you guarantee this?
- There is no guarantee in medicine. Our psychiatrists and psychologists follow the latest developments closely. Our treatment methods are the most updated ones. Some of the psychological disorders are treated completely, while a part of them recover substantially and so many people become functional in their daily lives (school/work, human relations, personal care).
- How often will I see my psychiatrist and psychologist?
- Generally, you can see them every day. Your psychiatrist and psychologist will implement your treatment design step by step and see you frequently. You can also see the hospital’s dietitian weekly.
- How can I learn my daily meeting hours?
- The list is hung on the board in the floor for psychiatrists on 9.30 a.m each day; and you can check your time from the list. Hours of group psychotherapy, biblio-therapy, behavior therapy, psycho-education and family counselling, hobby and art therapy, social skills training are also written there.
- Will my information remain confidential?
- Be sure that the information you give will be kept confidential.
- May I be on leave when I want?
- You can decide with your psychiatrist when you will be on leave. This may not be appropriate for your treatment process.
- May I be on leave on my own?
- Our patients are only allowed to be on leave with their closest relatives. If one of your relatives cannot come, you should see your doctor and find a solution together.
- May I be on overnight leave?
- Our patients are only allowed to leave in the day and return in the same day. Overnight leaves are not allowed.
- Can I leave or take my patient out whenever I want?
- You can do this, but if this patient is taken out before his treatment is over, you will have the legal obligation in case he harms himsel or people around him.
- What is the responsibility of patient’s relatives?
- Some of our patients do not accept their situation, may not want to stay in the hospital, take their medicines after leaving the hospital or go to their controls. At least, one relative’s cooperation with the patient’s doctor will influence the treatment course positively.
- What kind of social activities do you have in your hospital?
- We have a sitting room with fireplace, waterfall street, aquarium, playing room, reading room, library, internet room, room for handicraft, painting and hobby, fitness center, hall for education, conference and cinema, closed circuit music and TV broadcast, outdoor walking, running and bicycle track, pond and a huge garden with trees. All daily newspapers, weekly and monthly magazines come regularly. Moreover, we provide exercises for getting rid of stress and relaxing, yoga and percussion instrument trainings.
- How will I dress within the day?
- You should wear casual clothes. You can wander around the hospital with slippers or clean and unworn shoes. You should be careful and not wear your outdoor shoes in the hospital. You should not wear pyjamas, slippers or walk in barefeet.
- Will you search our dresses, bags or suitcases while entering and leaving the hospital?
- Your and other peoples’ safety is of great importance. All measures are taken for your safety. That is why your clothes, bag or suitcases will be searched by a security staff in company with the nurse.
- Can I bring my cellphone with me?
- We try not to behave too restrictive in the hospital. If there isn’t any problem concerning your treatment, you may be allowed to use your cellphone. However, you must not lend your cellphone to anyone else.
- Can I bring my own laptop to the hospital?
- If there isn’t any problem with your treatment, you may be allowed to bring your own laptop. We have free Wi-Fi connections all around the hospital.
- May I leave my car in the parking lot during my stay in your hospital?
- You must not park your car long-term in the hospital’s car park. In compulsory situations, if you park you car with permission, you must leave the keys with the security.
- May I have an attendant with me?
- Our hospital is designed to host attendants. However, your doctor will decide if this is necessary.
- Who can visit me?
- Only family members of patients under 18 can visit them. Other people’s visit are subject to special permission. Visitors may be restricted for the health and safety of patients. A maximum of four visitors are allowed each visit.
- How can my relatives get details concerning me?
- The easiest way for your relatives to get details about you by making an appointment from doctor floor secreatary and meet your doctor face to face. Since our doctors work hard and see patients for most of the time, they may not be able to answer phone calls. If you want to phone, it would be better to choose 4-5 p.m to speak to the doctor. As there is only a night doctor in the hospital in the evenings, you must not call the hospital in the evenings.
- When can my relatives come and see my doctor? Do they need an appointment?
- When your relatives come to visit you, they may not be able to see your doctor. The best way of seeing your doctor is to make an appointment with the doctors’ floor secreatary.
- What are the visiting days?
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays; between 14:00 – 17:00
- On what hours will we have our meals?
- Breakfast is between 8-9 a.m., lunch is between 1-2 p.m., and dinner is between 6-7 p.m.
- Why is the food not more fatty and salty?
- If the food was fatty and salty, they might be more delicious, yet not healthy. All food in our hospital is prepared under the direction of dieticians.
- Why can’t we have glass cups or knives?
- No sharp objects are allowed in our hospital due to security reasons and they are not allowed to be brought into the hospital.
- Can I bring or order takeaway food?
- No takeaway is allowed in the hospital due to healthcare and cleaning conditions. No food or drinking is allowed in the rooms.
- Does the hospital have an hairdresser?
- We have hairdresser for both men and women. The men’s hairdresser can shave them; the women’s hairdresser may set, cut and dye women’s hair.
- How can I have my clothes washed?
- You can have your clothes washed in our laundry paying at a charge.
- Where can I smoke?
- A special smoking room is reserved in the hospital where you can smoke. No smoking is allowed in rooms, floors and other parts of the hospital. If anyone smokes, the fire alarm goes off.
- Can I buy books from library?
- Our hospital has its own publications. You can find samples of these books in our hospital’s library and make use of them during your stay in our hospital. And you also can buy whatever books you want, our patient guides will help you in this.
- Are other patients dangereous?
- Patients in our hospital are not considered “dangereous”. However, we have to take immediate measures for some patients from time to time and necessary attempts are made for these patients in a short time. We have a special floor and very secure rooms for such patients. Such patients will be treated in a short time and go to other patient floors.
- What must I do if I see inappropriate behaviors of other patients?
- If you see such behaviours, you must immediately inform security staff about the issue. And if you cannot have any point in short time, you should inform your doctor, too.
- Hospitals bore me. Can I have the treatment outside?
- You can take the medicine that is most effective and with the least side effects under the doctor’s control. Only after the dose of a medicine is determined, you can use this medicine at home. A patient staying in a hospital due to his surgery cannot leave the hospital because you are bored neither a patient with psychological disorders. After you have enough days of treatment, your doctor will not keep you in the hospital for even one extra day.
- Am I in a bad situation to stay in the hospital?
- You may need to stay in the hospital for various reasons psychiatrically. Emergent cases, resistant patients that cannot be diagnosed in outpatient ways or do not response to treatment, cases requiring heavy behavior therapy, patients to go under ECT, patients that should stay away from their own environment for a short time and substance addicts must be treated as in-patient. You may be recommended to stay in hospital as a part of the treatment process rather than being in a bad situation.
- Can I have a daily treatment without staying here?
- Our working system is designed for in-patient treatment. We do not have such a system that treats people with outpatient methods every day.
- (For addicts) Can I quit using substances without staying in the hospital?
- Treatment for substance addiction can only be through outpatient methods, de-toxification, motivator meeting method, individual and group psychotherapies and behavior psychotherapies. So, substance addiction treatment cannot be administered monitoring with outpatient methods.
- Do you have an agreement with SSI (Social Security Instution)
- Our hospital has an agreement with the SSI. And we can provide a medicine and incapacity report.
- How will we make payments?
- Payments are made weekly in advance.
- Will I have an incapacity report after leaving the hospital?
- The medical board of the hospital will decide this.
- Can I see my doctor and my psychologist after my stay?
- Our doctors and psychologists follow our previous patients after their stay in our hospital, too. We have reserved days for this. You may take an appointment from our secreatary after your stay ends.
We hope you get better soon…